We are looking for someone with knowledge of bookkeeping and financial management to take on the role of County Treasurer.
You would need to :
– Oversee the financial affairs of the organisation and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
– Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place.
– Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation.
– Oversee the production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts and audits.
– Responsible for ensuring day to day book-keeping activities are completed and budgets are maintained.
For more details please download the Role description 2024 January County Treasurer Role Description
2024 January County Business and FInance Chair Role Description
CART- this rather strange name stands for County Advisor Responsible for Training……. We have a team of trainers that plan events such as County Day along with arranging first response and safe space trainings. We need somebody (they do not need to be trainers or commit to becoming one!) to represent us at Region training meetings, to keep a training diary up to date and generally support our Trainers in what they do- if you think you might be this person then please get in touch.
We are looking for people to help look after the County Archives. The archives are all held within a storage unit at the County Office. We need people to help catalogue these items, collect new items and also arrange for ‘sharing’ the resources held to units and at events.
We have an enthusiastic International Adviser already in place but she took the role on as a job share with another Leader who has now had to step down due to other commitments. We are therefore looking for another Leader to help with this exciting and varied role.
As a County we offer international events to older Guides and Rangers going on trips overseas along with activities for our younger members at various camps, holidays and other events- so if you would like to help select girls for travel abroad, support those going on GOLD trips or help Rainbow Leaders explore Thinking Day with their girls do get in touch for more information.
We have a volunteer in place that heads up our growth and retention team- but she would dearly love some help and support as we continue to recover from the pandemic and regrow our wonderful organization- this may be by offering advise on planning public events, communicating with outsiders about what we do and what our values are or simply helping a unit Leader recruit some help – so if you think Guiding could be bigger and better in Essex West please ask for more information
Could you lead, motivate and inspire a group of volunteers?
Would you like to make a real difference to guiding in your local area?
If so, why not consider becoming a Commissioner?
Across the County we have the following Commissioner vacancies available:
Division Commissioner for:
District Commissioners for:
You do not need any special talent or experience, just a willingness to get to know your local leaders and units, and to promote local Girlguiding. You will gain experience as you go along, and you will have a Mentor to help and advise you for the first 6 months in the role.
More information on Commissioners can be found here.
Anyone who is, or has recently been a Commissioner can take on this role. It does not take up much time, just keeping in touch and giving some help and advice. Anyone interested can contact Chris Hewes for information.
We know there are grants and help out there to support our activities – we would like to identify somebody who can give some time to looking at identifying these sources and help us apply.
2024 January County Grants and Fundraising Co-Ordinator Role Description