The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of activities. It’s open to girls and young women aged 14 to 24 or aged 13 and in the school year they turn 14.

Girlguiding has joined forces with DofE so you can complete this fantastic challenge as part of your guiding experience.

DofE fits in closely with many of the other awards and qualifications available to you through guiding, in particular the Queen’s Guide award. There are three progressive levels of the award – Bronze, Silver and Gold – that vary in length and commitment.

For each level you need to undertake four sections; volunteering, physical, skills-development and an expedition. For the Gold level you will also need to take part in a residential event.

DofE has three levels.

  • Bronze – for those aged 14 and over, or aged 13 and in the school year they turn 14. Takes at least six months to complete.
  • Silver – for those aged 15 and over, or aged 14 and in the school year they turn 15. Takes at least 12 months for direct entrants (those without Bronze Awards).
  • Gold – for those aged 16 and over. Takes at least 18 months for direct entrants (those without Silver Awards).

You can decide which levels you complete and in what order, as long as you meet the minimum age requirement. Check out our DofE leaflet for more information.

This challenge is a rewarding programme of personal development which you create around your abilities and interests.

To sign up please complete the registration form, or for more information contact the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award adviser


EW specific GG Anglia DofE enrolment form 2024 FINAL