What is it like to be a Commissioner?

This is the role for someone who enjoys leading a team, meeting new people and, most importantly, is enthusiastic about Guiding.
You don’t need any special skills or talents, just a willingness to promote the ethos of Guiding in your area. There are no age limitations, any member aged 18+ can be a Commissioner.

You will lead a local team of leaders, either at District or Division level and will encourage both leaders and girls to enjoy their Guiding journey, take on new challenges and explore all the opportunities which Guiding can offer.

A Division Commissioner is part of the County Executive Team and takes part in the policy-making and decision-making process of the County. She leads the Division team and maintains relationships throughout the Division, and represents the Division views at County Executive meetings.

A District Commissioner ensures that the standards and ethos of Guiding are maintained throughout the District team and the Units. She encourages her Units to take part in local events and ensures there is a chain of communication from Division level to the District members.

All Commissioners are appointed by the County Commissioner after consultation with the local leaders. Division Commissioners and District Commissioners are appointed for an initial period of 3 years. Both roles can be extended for a further 2 years, after approval from the County Commissioner, but this is not automatic.

All new Commissioners receive a copy of the Commissioner’s Handbook and are appointed a mentor to help and support them for the first few months in the new role. They are also sent a welcome letter and information on dealing with Residential Event Notification forms. There is additional help and support available at County level, and the website gives plenty of advice and information.

If you are ready to take your Guiding journey further and wish to bring fun and excitement to all Guiding members in your area – then this is the role for you!

More information on commissioners